This is a PRIVATE club. If you are not a member, you do NOT have permission
to visit here. This page is password protected. All logged accesses
are archived and hackers will be tracked down. Members may not give
their passwords to non-members. No robots or spiders either!
Essential Club Information
NEW Site Design: The request DVDR-list is now split into multiple pages, 5 of them semi-public and one for the
club only. The club-only list is below but it only contains a few items which we don't want to
give wide access to. For the rest of your DVDR requests, please use the
five pages here:
and Other. You don't have to worry about identifying yourself
as a club member - my software knows who you are.
: (Text version, alphabetic) Contains all DVDR's available to SAC members, but without the request interface.
We prefer you use the automated forms instead. This is provided
for members who do not have web access. To request from this form,
make a list of each item you want and send it to us by email. Be sure
to specify whether you want standard or premium DVDR disks.
The "Welcome"
This is the file sent to you when you became a member, and it also is a
summary of club rules. Read this once a year.
Email addresses:
Note: email addresses
are written in graphics files to protect them from being seen by robot email
harvesters which scan web pages to collect addresses for spam and bulk email
This is the address to use for new tape requests, changes to your membership
options, address and any other business. (It used to be to the other domain,
but too many people typed it wrong, with a "com" instead of "org".)
For the majority of your requests you'll want to use one of
the semi-public pages, but listed below are the exceptions which for one reason or another
won't be available to anyone but SAC members. Items appearing below may be there because
the fansubber requested a club-only environment for them, or because they are being phased out and
will soon be taken off the list entirely, or because they fall into a gray zone regarding their
licensing status.
Instructions: (1) Click on checkboxes to mark what you want,
(2) fill out form at the bottom of the page, (3) press send.